Who We Are

What is Streamline Fitness?

A Brief History…

Truely being Self Made, we want you to be a part of a fitness studio that is part of Temecula and Murrieta community. Somewhere you can go to sweat good, work hard and feel rewarded for your accomplishments. I started the dream of Streamline Fitness when I was 13, the very first time I picked up a dumbbell. My grandfather was my trainer, and he was the toughest person I knew. Over the journey of working at private gyms and even at Balley’s Total Fitness, I picked up how to properly run a fitness facility and cullminate peoples passion for exercise, bonding and just the overall sense of feeling better. Streamline Fitness officialy started in Temecula by bring equipment to indviduals homes and running fitness classes and camps in Murrieta and Temecula. From there it grew into a humble home gym in my garage. That lasted only a short time as demand became more than the home gym could handle. We opened our first facility near our current location which rocked a whole 700 square feet! Now, as we continue to work on our current space of 3200 totoal square feet, we are still private, still intimate but engage you with the excitment that we have for you and our awesome space.

Not only do we want to make you sweat, we want you to have a great time doing it. Personal Training isn’t just a job for us, it’s a way of life. Below you’ll find options that are sure to suit your needs best.


For those who are on the go or don’t have the time to train at the studio, we do offer onine training. You get customized training to suit you, full follow up and accountability, the same nutritional guidlines and the same goal driven results you would get from one on one sessions. If you think you want to train with trainer assistance but don’t have the time, think again! You can do this!


The true one on one expierence. You’ll get everything you need to have a great relationship with your trainer. Individualized attention, goals catered just to you. The follow up and accountability are ​amazing! You will develop a rock solid relationship and bond with your trainer that will last you a lifetime. Regardless if your goals are jsut to get good workouts in and stay healthy or if you dream to be on the fitness stage, we can help you getting where you need to be by training with you.


For those who are on the go or don’t have the time to train at the studio, we do offer onine training. You get customized training to suit you, full follow up and accountability, the same nutritional guidlines and the same goal driven results you would get from one on one sessions. If you think you want to train with trainer assistance but don’t have the time, think again! You can do this!


Much like personal one on one sessions but with a group of 2 or more with friends and family. Groups are often more affordable and you still get the same workouts you would with individualized sessions. People often chose this option when they have like goals and can train fairly close to the same style.


We offer many classes. We have fitcamps, PiYo, crossfit® style ​workouts, cardio kickboxing, pole, posing and stretch.

Classes are designed to be done throughout the week and enjoyed at lest 3 times a week.